Another Poker Yarn, before I was Chief..Obviously, I was finding my way in the Poker wilderness......This Post comes with a "warning label"....pretty graphic.
Had a crazy weekend !!!!
Met Burney for dinner before I left for Foxwoods on Friday Night.
Ride up was great...no traffic.....I cranked some major toon-age, TERRAPIN STATION, and HALL an OATES.
I was at a Foxwoods table by midnight Friday.....tough sledding....gambled till about 530am until the hold-em game broke up.....was down quite a bit...couple of hundred....went back to the car....crashed for two hours.....I was a pretty sorry sight....what a degenerate.....sleeping in the car....paranoid about carbon monoxide poisoning in the Foxwoods garage.....i survived....
8am...wake up....drove 10 miles to Mohegan sun.........got in a hold em tournament.....lasted about 1 hour.....
got back in the car..went back to Foxwoods...luck started changing....hit a lot of hands...big pots.....played all day and into night......
to quote Forrest Gump......when I was hungry, I ate.....when I was tired.....I slept.....
game broke up about 4 am Sunday Morning.....went back to the car....crashed 4 hours.....you should have seen my unwashed head.....wore a baseball cap and sunglasses at the Holdem table......
Sunday morning...feeling mighty fresh on 4 full hours of sleep...played some 7 stud until Holdem opened up.....got hot again......nice cards dealt to me......made back the losses..
started heading for home about Sunday 3pm....BUT, you got to pass by Mohegan Sun.....like a man passing the bada bing....I'm back over at the SUN, jones-ing for more Holdem...to quote Belushi....The weekend IS NOT OVER UNTIL I SAY IT IS......
there was a very intense Holdem game going on $3-$6.......major pots.....I lost and got pissed.....so I changed my strategy I lowered the baseball cap, tightened up the sunglasses and refused to look at my opponents....To Quote Ariel Sharon...."These guys are irrelevent".....so when they looked over at me, they read nothing.......nada....zip !!
then started winning....played until 9pm...
Finally on the road at 930pm..........6 hours of total sleep in the bank.....badly in need of a shower, a toothbrush....flying home...literally and mentally.....
Cranked Meatloaf storytellers on CD as well as TV's greatest hits.
Home by midnight......took a long hot shower......went to bed at 1am......
Don't tell my mother.
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