Return to the Blog !!
I’m delighted to return to the blog after a long absence. I had been using the Disciples of Poker Discussion group in the interim and I will certainly keep that board up and running.
I think that becoming a better poker player – for me – requires some consistent blogging from time to time talking about the game we all love and strive to be excellent at.
I am doing a number of things to improve my poker game which I will discuss in future postings. Hopefully, your participation can help me in the process of improving my game as well as your game.
I am doing a number of things to improve my game. It’s been over a year since I won a tournament and that has been very frustrating.
I have read Harrington on Hold ‘em at the urging of Pat “Pois-on” Gordon and I am thankful for his persistence in getting me to read this. It was time well spent and I refer back to it from time to time.
I’m currently reading “Elements of Poker” by Tommy Angelo and since I will be quoting some of his work here, I want to certainly put in a plug for this unique book.
Here is an excerpt on “Tilt” which I think is a big part of my game. He describes the many aspects of “tilt”
Steaming Tilt
Simmering Tilt
Too Loose Tilt
Too Tight Tilt
Aggressive Tilt
Too Passive Tilt
Playing too high Tilt
Playing too long Tilt
Playing too tire Tilt
Entitlement Tilt
Annoyed Tilt
Injustice Tilt
Frustration Tilt
Sloppy Tilt
Revenge Tilt
Underfunded Tilt
Overfunded Tilt
Shame Tilt
Distracted Tilt
Scared Tilt
Envy Tilt
This is the worst pizza I ever had Tilt
Just Got Shown a Bluff Tilt
I gotta get even Tilt
Demolition Tilt
What does Tommy say about Tilt??
“It makes us do things we wouldn’t do if we were playing at our very best”
I want to stay off tilt….FOR GOOD.
I think this is a major leak in my game. Thanks Tommy.

And let’s not forget the words of Spinal Tap’s Viv Savage…..
“Have a GOOD time…ALL the Time.”
Thanks Tommy and Viv.
The Chief is back to the blogs.
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