
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Disciples Blog...Card Date 11.08.05

The Chief Disciple took the first step towards poker glory last night, but flamed out in 8th place in a 70+ seat tournament.

I'm talking about competing for Ultimate Bet's "Stone Cold Nuts II" which will be played in January 2006. First place will be $1,000,000 with a dozen or so seats also be awarded for the 2006 WSOP.

I think a number of Disciples are ready to pass this way with me. The skill sets are there. I've seen it. It's time to aim high folks and achieve some "change your life" poker.

Last night's event was a $5.00 turbo with re-buys allowed. I like this format.
1st place received a $530 entry into the Stone Cold Nuts....8 other places paid cash.

I came in 7th place and I only committed about 90 minutes of actual playing time, which is a good thing when you are married! My wife support my poker dreams and she's a pretty good player herself, but you gotta know when to shut down the computer.

Of course, I got a little luck along the way with one dramatic runner-runner straight. But, overall my play was solid and I was staring at the very real possibility of winning the satellite!!

I had about 20,000 in chips when "The Highway" Pocket 66's was dealt to me. I was in the back, in position. One guy limps in and everyone folds to the blinds. I go all-in since the minimum bet is now 4,000. The blinds fold, but the limper calls only to reveal Pocket 33's or "Pat Ewing or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar" depending on what coast you live on.

So, I'm a 4 to 1 favorite with 66 against 33, but the turn brings a 3 for my opponent and it's lights out for the Chief. I won about $35 with $15 in it from the re-buys.

My game had been suffering lately. Being the 1st out in my monthly internet tournament stung me and I began to question my play. Watching the 2006 Main Event for the WSOP ignited the desire all over again and I'm setting a goal to qualify for the "Stone Cold Nuts" in January. I hope my some of peeps will be joining me.

Rockets Red Glare...


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