
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Chief Disciple's Poker Resolutions and New Rules for 2006

Hello Fellow Disciples and Happy New Year !!

I wish all of you a Positive Return on Your Poker Obsession in 2006 and Please remember to play responsively and play to win. I’ve been thinking about Poker Resolutions and I’m hoping this will be easier than going on a diet!!

Since us “Disciples of Poker” know that we all fall short of the glory of poker immortality, I want to share my innermost thoughts on the New Year and becoming a more successful player. I’m coming off a 45 seat sit and go victory at Poker Stars and I’m feeling pretty good about my play. Now is the best time for me to examine the many flaws of my game.

So, it’s time for the Chief’s Resolutions in the no particular order. Please feel to reply on my blog or my yahoo discussion group.

New Rule: I will stay off TILT in 2006.
I refuse to stay steamed while in a tournament. Staying steamed will only get you in trouble. I will no longer tell someone “Nice Hand….I Guess” when they hit a runner-runner and send my stack into a free fall. I will fight the urge to be sarcastic. I have seen extreme sarcasm in the form of Phil Helmuth at the WSOP 2005 and I don’t like the way it looks.

New Rule: I will not play Tired. I refuse to be involved in a $5.00 buy-in / 600 seat tournament that will end at 2:00am with work the next day. I will not fall asleep at the computer waiting to be prompted by the internet game to place a Friggin bet. I will play poker refreshed and alert.

New Rule: I will pay better attention to the Players. I will make better attempts to read people’s hands, follow betting structure and pick up on tells. I will look at players in a game and get a read on my opponent. I will not be afraid.

New Rule: I will not be intimidated. When I crush a player and take all of his chips in a casino, I will be gracious. Even if he has muscles on muscles, tattoos upon tattoos and curses a blue streak for all to hear, I will not let it affect my game.

New Rule: When I win, I will not give it back !!! Many times after a big victory, a losing streak occurs. Perhaps it’s sloppy play. I will not play sloppy.

New Rule: I will make great lay downs. I will fold Pocket Kings pre-flop at least once in 2006, if I feel that I am looking at AA, or if I am facing more than two opponents. Pocket Kings can lose.

New Rule: I will be aware of the “buzzsaw” and avoid the buzzsaw. I will watch out for the Set that my opponent flops. I will acknowledge the fact that people can flop a straight, or a flush or QUADS. I will use the information gathered at the table to make good decisions.

New Rule: Everyday is a “New Day”. If I get crushed the night before and lose my bankroll, I will not let it affect my game. Every day is a “New Day”

New Rule: I will have fun. To quote Derek Smalls in Spinal Tap….”Have a good time, all the time.”

New Rule: I will keep records to determine if I won or lost this year.

And Finally: I will try to win a buy-in to a major televised Poker Event, OR, I will win a substantial sum of money in a tournament.

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