I attended Flush Draw B's home game over Memorial Day weekend 2006.
The location was lovely and sometimes rainy West Palm Beach.
F.D.B had built two new tables for the occasion and hosted a game
that had 16 people. The tables were fantastic.
Barry was gracious enough to pay my 20 buy-in. He also had a 5 dollar
bounty and a 10 re-buy. Re-buys are something we don't do on the
Long Island Circuit, and I will want to re-visit this issue at the
2006 Poker Summit when the tournament directors meet in the off-
We had a ball at Barry's. He was a great host and I have to give him
props for making so many poker friends in such a short period of time.
Funny thing happened in Level 1 of the tournament. We had a RAIN
DELAY...A first for the Disciples of Poker !!
Barry had us in an enclosed outdoor area, but the wind and rain was
so fierce, that we had to suspend play and move the tables. We also
had some lightening strikes close by which scared a few people
sitting in metal chairs.
Sadly for the Chief, 6th place was the best I could muster. Barry
took third and a guy named Dave won the event.
There was a bit of an uprising when I tried to introduce antes to the game, so we
held off on that.
Barry drove me back at Midnight to Vero Beach. It took about 90
minutes to find the place.
He got home safely, I would suspect around 3:00am.
His wife and children were very gracious and it was great seeing
Flush Draw B on the Disciples of Poker Florida Circuit running a righteous home game.
We now have TWO DOP branded events in Florida and One in New York.
Who's next?
For me, my game continues to suck. I had top pair on the board and a
straight draw on the final hand. Even with about 10 outs, I ran in Pocket
Rockets. The guy holding AA did not raise pre-flop. Nice move, Dave.
Chief needs a coach.
Hey, it was nice to meet you and lots of fun. Thanks for sharing the pics. Sorry we were so anti-ante (heh) but it was a great time just the same.
Well. we did not play with antes!
No big deal though.
I'm a player and a poker critic.
It was fun.
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