The Palm Harbor, Florida branch of the DOP has sent 3 players to a WSOP Bracelet Event. Special thanks to Pat Colpoys aka PJCFLA for the posts....
Good luck to ROSE and the Others ! Hope to be there with you next year.
**Update 1***
Event# 49 is about to begin in 5 min.
We have 3 players from our Flaorida Disciples of Poker group- Rose, John and Joe. The latter 2 guys do not work at Nielsen. One other guy Scott who is a friend of John's has entered.
The WSOP Tournament seems to be better organized this year. Almost no lines for pre-registered players. Play will occur in the Amazon room (mainroom) and the Brasilia room which has another 60 tables.
I tried qualifiying in. $175 single table satellite. Start with 1000 in chips 15 minute blinds. 7 people were left, blinds were 25-50. I'm Under the Gun and get pocket 10s. - had about 1100 at the time. I raise to 150 and get 2 callers , including the Big Blind.
Flop comes 9,7,2 rainbow..
I lead with a bet (2zd) and one folds, ditzy woman in Big Blind calls.
Turn brings a 6. I bet 350, Big Blind goes all in. - ponder for a while. Since I had seen her Play loose before I call. She turns over 89 for a pair with open end draw.
River spikes a 5 and I'm off to the rail. I think I was 78-22
Favorite in the situation, but what are you gonna do....
**Update #2***
On an impulse, Rose decided to raise with K-10 (blinds are level 2= 50-100).
Flop misses and she makes a continuation bet of 400 which gets called.
Turn brings a 10. She leads with 600 and gets called. River brings another glorious 10. She pushed all in (I would have checked myself and then hope to reraise all in).
Opponent folded. She showed her cards to convey that she was bluffing until the end.
Not sure I would do that, but she didn't want to get labeled as an ultra tight player. John and Rose are between 2800-3300 in chips...
** Update #3 ****
We're at the 1st break- 2 hours into the event
2700 players entered
Joe- 7,000
John 6,000
Rose 2,500
Scott- 2,100
Sat Jun 28 14:00:00 PDT 2008
$1,500 No-Limit Hold'em - Level Two Recap
Blinds: 25-50
Players Registered: 2,700
More Notable Names in Field:
Hevad Khan
Shane Schleger
Alexander Kravchenko
J.J. Liu
Eric Lynch
Peter Feldman
Eugene Todd
Antonio Esfandiari
Amnon Filippi
Jennifer Tilly
Mark Seif
Chris Grigorian
Nam Le
Kevin Saul
**** Update # 4 ****
Rose's dream faded away as she made 1 move too many and exited around 1800th place.
The place is buzzing with the finals of a horse event. Seen scotty nguyen, doyle, and I think Erik Lindgren. I think they are down to the final 2 or 3 tables in that event.
Other guys have 4 and 5k in chips...
***** Update # 5 *******
The other 2 guys fizzled around 800th place. Scott the friend of the fla DOP member is in great shape with 25k at the dinner break.
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