Interesting poker weekend --- as I now mentally prepare for the Poker Stars 1,000,000 FPP on 7/27. This is a FPP (Frequent Player Point) entrance only and my entry came rather easily a few weeks ago in a 60 person qualifier. I ended up making the top 6 who cashed.
As usual, I got lucky, but was also playing thoughtful poker throughout the tournament. There are 12,000 entrants maximum and 4,000 places pay ! First place is 100K and 4,000th gets 90 bucks. JK is also playing in this event, so I told him that I would see him at the final table.
This event comes at a good time, as I have once again failed miserably in Johnnnno’s basement game, Last night, we had our annual cookout and poker game with a slightly reduced buy-in that included dinner.
We had a record three ladies in the field of 22 and I am happy to say that we had two of them at the final table. My wife, Tozey took 5th place and cashed. I was very happy for her as were a few members of the loser’s club. Jokiebird dealt herself a crushing river when she had the best of it against George with her pocket aces. But George scored the nut flush draw on the river in a crushing round one knockout. Others found their fate decided on the bloody river as well.
My end came quickly and stupidly as I called an all-in bet from the small blind without even stopping to think and access the situation - and that is what bothered me the most.
When the flop came A, 8, 2 rainbow, the SB went all in and I quickly called in the BB with 8, 2. SB flips over A, 8 and it’s friggin curtains unless a two pops. Needless to say, it did not. While I might have been able to talk myself into calling, I clearly could have assessed the situation quietly, and PERHAPS get away from two pair on the flop….BUT NO!!!!!!!.
The highlight of everyone's night was seeing our friend Gerard come by for a beer and a chat. Play was stopped for a moment and everyone gave a hello and a hug.
Congrats to Al the Goon from Brooklyn on his big victory. Also, Mike took a nice second place and his wife Deb made the final table. Way to go, both !!
Well, we’re about the tee up the 1,000,000 event. Depending on how I do will determine the size of my next set of posts below !!!
7,935th place out of 11,500. Not even worth a recap.
For me....walking into Johnnnno's basement is like Bill Buckner walking into Shea Stadium.
22. Andrea Beck – Her pocket aces gets flushed by George on the river.
21. Rich Gribbon – Can u say Pain ???
20. Steve Palumbo – tough sledding.
19. Frank Palumbo – Like Buckner walking into Shea…over and over again.
18. George P – lost his and jokiebird’s chips.
17. Dave Blum – Tales of Tilt, Volume 4, Chapter 10, verses 3 and 4.
16. Michael Levatino – Needs Atlantic City or Foxwoods to escape his poker funk.
15. Eddie Blum – yyyyyman not so wise this time.
14. Matt Weiss – his 99 gets massacred by a 5 on the turn giving Lisa trip 555.
13. Harold S – Caught in the set of 555’s crossfire as well.
12. Johnnnnno – early exit, early clean-up.
11. Noam Adi – Searching for any ace and a rag to play.
10. Jed Weiss – Bubble Boy Birthday Dream extinguished.
9. Deb Goldstein – Great effort for a 1st time player at Johnnnno’s.
8. Andy Kestin - Lisa emptied what remained of his chips.
7. Seth Kain – The noze is stuffed when his 10, 10 loses to Q, K on the turn.
6. Jeff Goldman – Cash Bubble Boy.
5. Lisa Shingleton-Palumbo ($100) – Calls all of her chips on a flush draw and falls.
4. JK – Last dance for surf and turf. ($135)
3. Alan (Matt’s friend) – Played well, used chips well. ($175)
2. Mike Goldstein - Great effort, short stacked. ($290)
1. Al “Goon” Barrasso – Great play, multiple bluffs, nice change up ($415)
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