Las Vegas and the WSOP are a mere 5 days away. The target tournament is Event #39 which is a $1500 buy in and is expected to last three days. I am scheduled to fly in on Friday and Depart on Monday morning. The cards fly and 12:00m local time on Saturday, 6/20/09.
The departure flight is one flight I would like to miss as the final table will be played on this day. It is my intent to play in this tournament and to apply all my poker skills and knowledge in the hopes that the poker gods shine on me and deliver me a "warm deck" that I can operate off of and make the cash.
I have so many people to thank, but clearly at the top of the list is "Tozey" my Poker wife. She has been very suppportive on my trip to Poker Mecca and even helped be book my trip using travel points and other horel stay options at my disposal.
Second on the support list are my investors...friends and family that believe in my abilities to sit down on the world's greatest poker stage in an attempt to go deep and cash !!
My poker pals include, NotPhilIvey, The Poker Minion, Pois-on, The Noze, Jokiebird, Fabman Friz and FlushdrawB. Ladies and Gentleman, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your finanacial support in allowing me to fulfill my dream.
Now, let's get to the poker updates from Las Vegas. If you can see this blog, you can follow me on this page. My Twitter updates are tied into this blog OR you can follow me directly at Twitter under "DisciplesPoker." I will try and post every two hours (all on twitter) when there is a formal break and I will do my best to keep everyone updated !
I feel good about my game. I've been playing well and I am going to apply all my skills and concentration to every hand that is played. The blinds will go up every hour and I am starting with 4,500 in chips. Level 1 is 25/50. You can find the structure at the WSOP website under event 39.
Last night we had a warm-up at PJCFLA's house in Palm Harbor, Florida. 10 people played and we followed the WSOP event structure with 25 minute levels versus the 1-hour. I finished 5th, out of the money, but essentially hung in there until the blinds turned into a crap shoot. Playing the WSOP structure was a very good experience and served as a viable warm-up for the upcoming WSOP event.
1 comment:
I'll be following you on Twitter--one of the few good uses of Twitter I've found! I hope you win, not only because I have a piece of you but also because you deserve it.
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